Down-to-earth digital wellness for daily wins

Center your peace, productivity, and purpose while staying plugged in.

Screenspire delivers accessible, research-informed, and compassion-fueled strategies for health-enhancing media use habits to busy teens and young adults who want to get clear on their purpose and thrive in the digital age.

Photo by Sincerely-Media via Unsplash.

Let’s approach media with love. Not fear.

Headshot of Josanne Buchanan

Welcome to Screenspire.

Screenspire is a digital wellness education platform that delivers research-informed, compassion-fuelled resources to teens and young adults so that they can use digital media to achieve well-being, social connection, career clarity, and purpose.  

My mission is to provide you with practical, research-backed strategies for daily media use habits that disrupt the anxieties of the digital age and help you to live a life that inspires you.  

To help you feel encouraged, hopeful, and supported as you navigate the digital age (while managing the rest of your busy life), I deliver research-backed digital wellness articles, down-to-earth digital wellness workshops, and entertaining multimedia content that provides you with clear tips on how to get the most out of your daily screen time.



Why Digital Wellness?


Now more than ever before, we have the research to show that our media use habits impact our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. After experiencing the extreme highs and lows of being a chronic screen user, I devoted my career to creating an empowering youth media landscape and created Screenspire to provide busy teens and young adults with high-quality, research-informed, and accessible strategies for building healthy daily media use habits that support your mental health, goal-setting, healthy relationships, and coming of age. By doing so, I’ll unplug the anxieties that come from digital media use and inspire all of us to live fulfilling and purpose-driven lives online and offline.


Josanne Buchanan is a speaker, children’s media consultant, and digital wellness workshop facilitator who leverages her research experience, consulting acumen, and passion for youth wellbeing to help industry creators, educators, and institutions address key issues related to digital wellness, authentic representation, and the evolving youth media landscape. 



Consulting areas: authentically inclusive representation, children’s and family entertainment (preschool, bridge, kids, tweens, teens, family), animation, live action, video games (mobile, console), avatar-creation interfaces, UI research, UX research, focus group testing.


Key speaking topics: youth digital wellness, mental health, community building, entrepreneurship, career exploration, and authentic representation in media. 


Other services: panel moderation, workshop and event planning, focus group facilitation.